where to next? a plan!

Well, draft 1 is a bit underwhelming. Never fear! Where the visuals are absent, I now have a plan of attack. I am still going to re-record the audio (improve the quality, do some editing, &ect) but, given the current recording, I’ve made the following notes on what is to come.


I am interested in capturing the mood of the lyrics without dramatizing them or doing really obvious illustrations. The absence of people in the majority of the video will (hopefully) create space for the words to be absorbed.

1:00-1:15, start in a classroom, end walking out of the classroom
1:15-1:30-1:37, start in a hallway, look at a crowded bulletin board, walk out then go outside
1:37- 1:57, walk through alley in aggieville then past SOS
1:57- 2:22, walk around digital eth classroom
2:22- 2:32, show me sitting in the classroom
2:32-2:52- outside, have camera pan around in a circle
2:52-3:08- walk up a staircase
3:08-3:11 look down stairs
3:11-3:51 run out of the building and keep going
3:51-3:52 stop running and look around
3:54 4:47- i wan’t to bring people back now. the community spoken into existence should be a group of ppl, maybe just together, maybe holding hands, and just looking over each of the people involved
4:47-5:00- end up looking at me, speaking the last words to the camera

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About pataphyz

a nomad currently wandering through Kansas State University a student and practitioner of digital ethnography an addict with a weakness for words and ideas a moment stretched beyond easy comfort a love shared among infinite Others

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